PASOs works with agencies, organizations and coalitions to make sure that they are serving Latino patients and clients effectively. As advocates for their communities, PASOs brings forward the perspective of Latino families and brings ideas for change to decision-makers. Through a process called “bridge building,” PASOs facilitates communication between the Latino communities of our state and resource providers so that services are delivered more effectively and in a culturally sensitive way.

Our goals include:
Goal 1: Health Equity for Latino Community
A.) Area of Focus: Early Childhood Health and Child Development
Objective: Improve health and developmental outcomes for young Latinx children in SC
B.) Area of Focus: Maternal, Child, and Reproductive Health
Objective: Increase the quality of and access to reproductive health care and needed resources for Latinx women and children.
C.) Area of Focus: Increase culturally and linguistically appropriate services within healthcare systems, social services, and government agencies
Objective: Promote equitable, culturally competent, and linguistically appropriate social service, healthcare, and government agencies through partnerships, information sharing, and trainings.
Goal 2: Community Health Worker Capacity Building
- Support the optimal growth and development of the CHW workforce in SC and beyond
- Obtain certification from SCCHWA for PASOs’ Spanish CHW curriculum
Goal 3: Latino Leadership in South Carolina
- Bring together Latinx community leaders throughout our state to enhance their ability to advocate, network, and unite
- Increase the Latinx community’s involvement in decision-making
Goal 4: Education, Awareness, and Support of Immigrant and Latino Community
- Promote justice, equality and care for immigrant populations
- Support immigration reform in South Carolina.